We are industry professionals with 25+ years proven experience in driving operating performance improvements! Our extensive contributions have involved Power Generation Business Services including Benchmarking / Financial / Regulatory / Strategic Planning / Quality Improvement.
Frank Suriano III
Founder and CEO
Background and Education:
Bachelors Degree in Civil/Environmental Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology
MBA from University of South Florida (including Quality Management and Int’l Business Certifications).
Various other certifications from Vanderbilt and University of Miami, along with Six Sigma Black Belt training.
Professional Career at two industry-leading, environmentally-conscious companies: Weston Solutions and NextEra Energy
Weston Solutions - formerly Roy F. Weston Environmental Consulting Engineers:
Pollution Control Projects: wastewater characterization & treatment, haz-waste management, sewer infiltration / inflow, flood mapping & prevention, landfill groundwater contamination.
Clients: U.S. EPA, U.S. Dept. Housing & Urban Develop., Cities of NYC & Philadelphia, Bi-county planning regions, and Companies: General Foods, IBM, U.S. Steel, Amtrak, & Avco Lycoming.
Assignment Locations: NY, NJ, CT, PA, RI, GA, LA, UT and Puerto Rico.
FPL (Florida Power & Light Company) - a subsidiary of NextEra Energy, Inc.:
Power Plant Engineering Technical Licensing (including assignments at both Fossil & Nuclear sites).
FPL’s Quality Improvement Program as: QI Trainer, Bright Ideas Coordinator, Dept. Lead Facilitator, and Team Member contributing to FPL Deming Award from Japan.
Business Planning including Strategic Team Facilitation and Competitive Intelligence
Regulated Industry Performance Benchmarking for target-setting improvements driving Best-in-Class performance…Benchmarking later expanded to unregulated Fossil, Solar, & Wind generating assets
Management advisement & support, and Staff coaching.
Financial EDM (Economic Decision Modeling) and NPV (Net Present Value) Analysis advisement – 500 Six Sigma and Budget evaluation projects totaling over $300 million in cost avoidance.
MOPR (Monthly Operating Performance Reporting) management and streamlining.
Regulatory Analysis for three FPSC (Florida Public Service Commission) Rate Cases – including Testimony Preparation, Discovery Response, & Witness Development.
Other Accomplishments:
President of original FPL Juno Beach Toastmasters Club.
Juno Isles Civic Association Board Member - Community Improvements.
Adjunct Professor of Benchmarking with the National Graduate School.
United Way Representative for FPL Power Generation Business Services Group.
Safe Worker Always - Injury Free Career